
Become a fantasy football policyholder

It's 3 steps and we tell you what needs to happen for your coverage to kick in đź’°

PlayerSure underwrites the risk of NFL players missing games for any reason. The product exists because the chances of winning a fantasy league diminish greatly when your best players don't play and contribute towards your team's success. If you want to insure this risk, here is how you do it.


Step #1: Submit a Quote (30 seconds)

Complete this form. Name, email, league entry fee, and player names. That's it.


We’ll email you a quote that looks like this 👇


Next, you need to inform us of the plan that works best for you. Let’s walk through your options.


Step #2: Review Plan Types (2 minutes)

We offer two coverage options.

  • Exclusive Single Player: If any player misses a specific amount of NFL regular season games then your league entry fees are covered in full
  • Combined Multi Player: If multiple players miss a combined amount of NFL regular season games then your league entry fees are covered in full

The difference in the two plan types is that Single Player coverage is exclusively looking at one player’s missed games versus Multi Player coverage, which is looking at a combined amount of missed games across more than one player.

Exclusive Single Player coverage generally costs more because there’s a higher likelihood the policyholder will be paid out. Combined Multi Player coverage generally costs less because there’s a lower likelihood of occurrence. We'll walk through an example to show the pricing differences 💵


Example: You want to insure Davante Adams, Deshaun Watson, and Josh Jacobs and the league buy-in is $100. Below is a comparison of our two plan types. 

The Exclusive Plan Premium (top row) lists the cost to insure all three players under the condition that if any single player misses [n] games then your league buy-in is covered in full. In this example plan premiums start around $28 if any player misses 7 games and end around $52 if any player misses 3 games.

The Combined Plan Premium (bottom row) lists the cost to insure all three players under the condition that if all players combined miss [n] games then your league buy-in is covered in full. Plan premiums start around $11 if all players miss 14 combined games and end around $22 if all players miss 10 combined games.


Step #3: Bind Your Policy (1 minute)

To bind your policy, email us with your selection of: 

  • Plan type (i.e. Exclusive Plan)
  • Games you want to insure (i.e. 6 Games)

After you email us your selections we’ll send you an official PlayerSure policy that looks just like this 👇

Coverage Details

This policy provides missed game coverage for Davante Adams, Deshaun Watson, and Josh Jacobs. If any of these three players misses 6 games during the NFL regular season then the $100 league buy-in will be paid out by PlayerSure to the policyholder. Coverage is paid out when the policy's defined amount of games are missed during the NFL regular season.


To finalize your policy send us your premium payment. We’ll email a secure payment link that will prompt you to pay via credit card, debit card, or ACH.


Definition of Missed Games

We provide exhaustive missed game coverage. If your insured player misses a game during the NFL regular season for any reason then the missed game qualifies towards your coverage. It could be an injury, suspension, sickness, or the player is a healthy scratch. It does not matter. PlayerSure offers complete player protection.


⚠️ We indicate games missed for any reason, not only missed games due to injury. The reason for this distinction is that, as a fantasy manager, I don’t care why a player misses a game. I simply care whether they miss the game, period. The difference between losing Josh Gordon to suspension and Josh Gordon to injury still means I lost Josh Gordon and can’t start him.

Back to our example. For the example policy to be paid out the policyholder needs either Davante Adams, Deshaun Watson, or Josh Jacobs to miss 6 full games. Say Davante Adams is injured in Week 4 and out for the season. The policyholder will be paid out after 6 full games are missed, which means payout is at the conclusion of Week 10.

Policy Payout

Payouts are automatically sent to policyholders when coverage is met. There is no need to file a claim (like car insurance when you get into a car accident).


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